Military Veterans Episodes

Jan. 30, 2021

Lt Col (Ret’d) Adam Ewell - Optimisation Programme Manager

Adam chats with me today from a very cold Somerset in the UK and shares some great snippets from his Military Career that spanned some 30 years as Lt Col in the Royal Signals, his 2nd Career in Boeing Defence where he is curr...

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Nov. 4, 2020

Di & Andy Jeffery - Back in the Mix...

A former British Army Tank Transport WO & Royal Navy WO. Di and Andy have just concluded a "Silver Gap Year" around the globe and are now back in the mix. Andy now practices as a Service Architect Consultant and Di promises t...

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Oct. 7, 2020

Lt Col (Ret’d) RJ McCord MBE - Private soldier to Lieutenant Colonel

From Private soldier to Lieutenant Colonel. An inspirational leader, husband, father and grandfather, Lt Col Jo McCord MBE retired from the British Army this year after 40 years of service to the British Crown. Now Network D...

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