Jan. 6, 2021

Nahi Sannan - Chief Commercial Officer, Eagle Films Middle East

Nahi Sannan - Chief Commercial Officer, Eagle Films Middle East

From growing up as a young boy in the middle of the Lebanese Civil War in Beirut to Chief Commercial Officer for Eagle Films Middle East.

Nahi shares the extraordinary story of his journey and what it was like growing up as a young boy in the middle of the Lebanese Civil War in Beirut , through his move to the USA as a very young teenager, eventually finding himself working for Mercedes Benz. He then seen a move that brought him back to Beirut and eventually Dubai with SITA, one of the worlds leading specialist in air transport communications and information technology. Whilst in Dubai he joined Emirates Group IT and more recently moved back to his passion of Movies and TV where currently he is Chief Commercial Officer of Eagle Films Middle East.

Nahi Sannan Profile Photo

Nahi Sannan

CCO - Eagle Films Middle East